Privacy Policy

FEELBABY App respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all its users. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, without your prior consent, this app will not disclose or provide this information to third parties. The privacy policy of this app will be updated from time to time. By agreeing to the Terms of Service of this app, you are deemed to have accepted the entire content of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an inseparable part of the Terms of Service of this app.

1. FEELBABY Mobile Application
When you interact with our products, please carefully read this privacy policy and understand the purpose and security measures for which we collect and process your personal data, including how we use, store, share, and transfer personal data. In this policy, you can execute your privacy rights, access rights, deletion rights, and more over your personal data as per our guidance.
When you agree to this Privacy Policy and continue to use our products or services without expressing any objections in an appropriate manner, we will consider that you fully understand and agree with this policy. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints during the reading process, please contact us through the following contact information:

2. Scope of Application
2.1. When you register as a user of this app, the personal registration information you provide as per the app's requirements.
2.2. User personal data obtained by this app from business partners through legal means.
2.3. The information and data collected by this application, which you have posted within the app, includes but not limited to participation in activities, transaction information, and evaluation details.
2.4. Actions that violate the law or the rules of this app and the measures that the app has taken against you.

3. Collecting information
To provide you with our services, we may ask you to provide the personal information necessary for such services. If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to offer you our products or services.

3.1. Information you voluntarily provide to us
When you register as our user, we may collect your name and contact details, such as your email address, phone number, username, and login credentials. During your interaction with our products, we may further collect information in your account like nickname, avatar, country code, language preference, or time zone information

3.2 Information We Automatically Collect
Device Information: When you interact with our products, we automatically collect device-related information such as the MAC address, IP address, wireless connection information, type and version of the operating system, application version number, push notification identifier, log files, and mobile network information.

Usage Information: As you interact with our website and services, we automatically gather usage information related to accessing, clicking, downloading, sending/receiving messages, and other activities on our website and services.

Log Information: When you use our application, system and exception logs may be uploaded. This can include your IP address, usage language, operating system version, and the dates or times of access.

Location Information: When you enable the location feature on your mobile device through system authorization and use location-based services, we collect and use your location data to facilitate the networking of this application with smart devices. Furthermore, when you use certain products or services, we might gather real-time accurate or approximate geolocation information about you. You have the option to turn off location services in your mobile device's system settings to prevent us from collecting your location data.

3.3 Information Related to Smart Devices
Basic Information of Smart Devices: When you use smart devices connected to our products or services, we might collect basic information about the smart device such as device name, device ID, online status, activation time, firmware version, and upgrade details.

Information Reported by Smart Devices: Depending on the different smart devices you choose to connect with our products or services, we may collect information reported by these devices. For instance, a smart camera might collect images or videos it captures.

4. Use of Information
To provide you with services: We process your account details, personal profile information, device data, usage information, location details, and smart device-related information to deliver the products and services you request. The legal basis for such processing is to fulfill our contract with you as per our terms of use.

To Improve Our Services: We process your device data, usage information, location details, and smart device-related information to ensure the functionality and security of our products, to develop and enhance our products and services, to analyze our operational efficiency, and to prevent and trace fraudulent or improper behavior. The legal foundation for such processing arises from fulfilling our contract with you based on our terms of use.

Non-Marketing Communications: We process your personal information with the aim of sending you important information related to services, terms/conditions, policy changes, and/or other administrative details. Given the importance of these information, you may not be able to opt out of receiving such emails. The legal grounds for this processing are rooted in fulfilling our contract with you as per our terms of use.

Compliance: We will process your personal information when we believe it's necessary or appropriate to: (a) comply with applicable laws and regulations; (b) comply with a legal process; (c) respond to requests from public and government authorities; (d) perform our terms and conditions; (e) protect our operations, businesses, and systems; (f) safeguard our rights, privacy, security, or property, as well as that of users including you; and (g) pursue available remedies or limit the damages we might have to pay.

We might also use your personal information in other ways. We will provide specific notice at the time of collection and obtain your consent as required by applicable laws. This application will not provide, sell, rent, share, or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party unless we have your prior permission, or the third party and this application provide services for you individually or jointly. After the end of these services, they will be prohibited from accessing all information they were previously able to access.

This application also prohibits any third party from collecting, editing, selling, or disseminating your personal information by any means. If any user on this application platform engages in the aforementioned activities and is discovered, the application reserves the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with that user.

5. Disclosure of Information
In the following scenarios, this application will disclose your personal information based on your wishes or in accordance with the law:
5.1. With your prior consent, disclosure to third parties.
5.2. To provide the products and services you've requested, it may be necessary to share your personal information with third parties.
5.3 To disclose to third parties or administrative/judicial authorities in accordance with relevant legal provisions or at the request of administrative or judicial bodies.
5.4. If you violate applicable laws, regulations, or this application's service agreement, disclosure may be made to third parties.
5.5. If you are a complainant with regards to intellectual property rights and have filed a complaint, upon the request of the respondent, information will be disclosed to them to address potential rights disputes between the parties.
5.6. For any transaction initiated on this application platform, if any party to the transaction partially or fully meets the transaction obligations and requests information disclosure, this application has the right to decide to provide the user with necessary details such as the contact information of their transaction counterparty to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the resolution of disputes.
5.7. Other disclosures deemed appropriate by this application in accordance with laws, regulations, or website policies.
5.9. Fulfilling our terms and conditions, and responding to public and governmental authority requests, including those from public and governmental authorities outside your country/region of residence.
5.10. Protecting our operations, businesses, and systems; safeguarding our rights, privacy, security, or property, as well as that of other users including you; and pursuing available remedies or limiting the damages we might have to provide.

5. Explanation on Third-party SDKs
The information and data related to you collected by this application will be stored on servers of this application and/or its affiliated companies. This information and data may be transmitted to a country or region outside of where you reside or where the application collects the information, and may be accessed, stored, and displayed abroad.

To ensure the stable operation of this application or to realize relevant functions, we might integrate Software Development Kits (SDKs) provided by third parties. We will conduct rigorous security checks on the application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) that our authorized partners use to access relevant information, and negotiate rigorous data protection measures with them, obliging them to handle personal information in accordance with this policy and any other related confidentiality and security measures.

The third-party SDKs we integrate mainly serve the needs of you and other users. Thus, as new service needs arise and business functions change, we may adjust the third-party SDKs we integrate. We will promptly disclose the latest status of third-party SDK integration in this description.

The third-party SDKs integrated by this application are as follows:


Third-party Name

Type of Shared Personal Information

User Registration


Phone Number, Email Address

Push Notification Function


Smart Device Information, Unique Device Identifier

Video Service


Smart Device Information, Unique Device Identifier

6. Information Security
6.1. Accounts on this application come with security protection features. Please safeguard your username and password. The application ensures your information's safety against loss, misuse, and alterations through security measures like encrypting user passwords. Despite the aforementioned measures, please be aware that there are no "perfect security measures" on the information network.

6.2. When using this application's online services for transactions, you unavoidably have to disclose personal information, like contact details or postal address, to the transaction counterpart or potential transaction counterpart. Please protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, especially the username and password for this application, please contact our customer service immediately so we can take appropriate measures.

In the event of a security incident affecting the safety of your personal information, we will notify you promptly via your registered email address, phone number, or push notifications in the message center, and provide recommendations to mitigate or prevent related risks. If necessary, in line with our internal emergency response plan for security incidents, we will take timely remedial measures and report to relevant regulatory authorities as required.

7. Explanation of APP Permissions
7.1 Microphone Recording Permission
This permission is primarily used for voice communication with camera devices. Once enabled by the user, communication can be established with users on the camera end. If disabled, voice communication becomes unavailable.

7.2 Access to Photos and Videos Permission
This permission is utilized to save images and recordings from the camera onto the phone, facilitating users to capture the desired camera information.

7.3 Precise Location Access Permission
This permission is employed to obtain the router's WIFI information, facilitating the network configuration of the device.

7.4 Storage Access Permission
This permission is chiefly used to save the device's alarm images and some local configurations. If the user disables it, the APP may not function properly.

8. Account Deactivation Process
If you wish to deactivate your account, the following conditions must be met:
8.1 In the past month, the account has not experienced any unusual logins, password changes, changes to the password-associated phone number or security email, or other situations that could impact the security of the account.
8.2 No outstanding transactions, orders, or services in the account, and no overdue or unpaid amounts.
8.3 No existing complaints or reports either made by or against the account.
8.4 No unused entitlements in the account. If you have any, the deactivation request will be considered as a voluntary relinquishment of such entitlements.
8.5 The account does not have any outstanding obligations or situations that need to be fulfilled as required by laws and regulations but have not yet been addressed.
Your personal information will be processed within the shortest time frame necessary to achieve the purposes described in this policy unless a longer retention period is required by specific laws. We will determine the appropriate retention period based on the amount, nature, and sensitivity of personal data. After this period, your personal information will be destroyed. If it's technically impossible for us to destroy the information, we'll take appropriate measures to prevent its further use.

9. Consequences of Account Deactivation
You understand and agree that upon completing the deactivation process, the following consequences will occur, including but not limited to:
9.1 You won't be able to perform any authorized operations relying on that account.
9.2 Your original account will be reclaimed, and you won't have the right to use the previous account. You won't be able to log into the APP with that account again.
9.3 You won't be able to retrieve any information or data that was stored or used under that account.
9.4 There might be other consequences that could harm your rights or cause losses.